Free Webinars

Healthy Ears and Good Listening

Listening skills are important for children’s speech and language development, particularly in the years before starting school. In this webinar, speech pathologist Anne Williams will share her tips to improve the listening skills of the children in your care and show you simple ways to help children maintain good ear health, and how to tell when a child is having hearing problems.

You can also read our blog on the topic:

Screening is Essential, but What Tools Will Work?

This webinar is designed for early educators. At this point in the school year, you probably know some children are struggling. Screening children individually can give you specific information about where to target your teaching and help when speaking to parents about how to support their child’s learning and development. Join this webinar and we’ll show you how and when to screen pre-school children.

Introduction to Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness refers to a range of vital pre-reading skills that can be taught in early childhood programs, as well as the home environment. This includes listening and language skills, sound awareness, segmenting and blending of sounds. Learn more about phonological awareness and why it's such an important skill ahead of school.

Time for Rhyme

We know rhyming is a staple in early education, but how often do we think about its function? Why is rhyming so important at this stage? Does it help children learn to read? Take a deep dive into rhyming with this webinar, and learn more about how you can incorporate it into your daily activities with children.

There's a Book For That

Speech pathologist Sally Urquhart joins us to explain how to use picture books with pre-school aged children to support their speech and language learning. Sally gives us the rundown on her favourite books for 3-6 year olds, and how each can teach specific language concepts children need to learn ahead of school. This will be a useful addition to the work you already do in your centre or home. 

Fussy Eaters

This topic is probably very familiar to most of you - fussy eaters. We are joined by HealthWISE dietitian Zoe Martin who will talk about fussy eaters, increasing nutritional variety in youngsters, and will share some valuable tips and tricks we can use to encourage fussy eaters to try new foods.

Why Work on Vocabulary?

Developing a child’s vocabulary is a really fun skill and children love to learn new words, their meanings and their use. Before children start at school we want them to have exposure to many new and interesting words in a range of ways.  This webinar features experienced speech pathologist and Sounds good to me co-founder Linda Foskey.

Articulation disorders Part II

This is the second in our articulation disorders series. Featuring speech pathologist and Sounds good to me co-creator Anne Williams, this webinar explores common speech error patterns for 3-5 year olds, and how early educators or parents can help correct these.

Articulation Disorders Part I

The first part in our series focusing on articulation disorders. This webinar looks at speech milestones children are expected to reach between 3-5 years, and what to do if they encounter difficulties in this area. Featuring speech pathologist and Sounds good to me co-creator Anne Williams.

Safe, Secure & Supported: Is your child ready for school?

There are many factors to consider before sending a child to kindergarten for the first time. Is the child ready for the academic challenges of formal school learning? Do they have basic pre-literacy and self-care skills? Are they emotionally prepared for the school environment? In this webinar, mental health clinician Anne Edwards will help us explore these questions.

Sensory Modulation and Preschool Children

Featuring occupational therapist Katrina Wakely, this webinar will explore sensory modulation in preschool children. She'll give advice for educators and parents on how to support preschool children as they manage the sensory information they receive. She'll also provide useful resources and strategies and let you know when and where you should refer on if you have concerns.

The Roles of Preschool Children

Learn from occupational therapist Katrina Wakely all about the different roles children play in school and the years preceding school, and the milestones we can expect them to reach. This is a significant factor in whether a child is ready to start school.

School readiness webinar

School Readiness for Parents: Things to Consider

Early childhood educator and director of Nurruby Child Services, Catherine Morgan, joins SGTM co-creator Anne Williams to discuss school readiness. Parents and early childhood educators consider a range of skills when deciding if a child is ready for school. It is not just about the child’s age.

Healthy Ears and Good Listening

Listening skills are important for children’s speech and language development, particularly in the years before starting school. In this webinar, speech pathologist Anne Williams will share her tips to improve the listening skills of the children in your care and show you simple ways to help children maintain good ear health, and how to tell when a child is having hearing problems. 

Phonological Awareness for Family Day Care Educators

A vital pre-literacy skill, phonological awareness is the understanding that words are made up of smaller parts such as syllables and sounds.  It is an essential part of any early childhood program. Research shows that phonological awareness skills are predictive of a child’s future literacy ability. Learn more about these skills and how you can easily incorporate them into a family day care setting, using play based methods. You will also get a glimpse into  our family day care course. 


Healthy Lunchboxes

Dietitian Amelia will join us for this free webinar all about nutrition in the early years. Amelia will teach us all we need to know to regularly provide growing children with a healthy lunchbox - and begin healthy eating habits that will follow them all the way into adulthood.

Purchase our online course to develop your skills and prepare children for school.