Supporting professional development for your team of educators 

We all know that professional development has many great advantages for your team and your business.

Quality professional development; 

  • assists your team to provide quality programs

  • improves the outcomes for the children in your centre or school

  • assists with staff job satisfaction

  • helps you retain quality staff

  • strengthens the reputation of your service, centre or school

That is all well and good; but on the down side, sending your staff to professional development courses can be costly. Not only do you have to cover course and conference fees, there is often travel and accommodation as well as the costs associated with backfilling their positions when they are completing the off-site training. In addition it can be difficult for staff to implement what they have learned into their everyday work.

Imagine if you could purchase a centre-based program that would be suitable for the whole team, can be completed on-site and go at the pace needed for each educator. Sounds good to me in an online e-Learning program that is accessed via a members only portal. The training is delivered through short videos and the program comes with a range of easy to access resources.

Each registration will receive a Resource Kit in the mail with all you need to get started. Priced at just $550 for a centre (4 educators) or $275 for a single user, Sounds good to me will provide affordable and effective professional development for your team of educators.

Sounds good to me is a program developed by speech pathologists together with early childhood educators. The Sounds good to me program and activities can be incorporated into your existing school readiness program. The program teaches children phonological awareness and improves pre-literacy skills so that the children will arrive at school ready to learn to read.
